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Message: back to the leap frog
The military undress to natives of the Caura in search of gold
Wednesday, 13 of Julio of 2011

Natives of the ethnic groups Yekuana, Sanema and Pemón, who live in the Sucre municipality, denounce to be white of upsettings and humiliations on the part of the Army. They indicate that they force them to civil servants to undress to review them in search of gold.

Natalie Garci'a
(Special Shipment)
Photo William Urdaneta

The natives are leaving the communities with fear, and arrive at Maripa escaping of the military upsettings

Natives of the ethnic groups Yekuana, Sanema and Pemón are vejados while they sail the Caura river, to the West of the state Bolivar in the Sucre municipality. Besides the revisions strictly speaking to fight the illegal mining the civil service military of the Army - pertaining to the 52 Brigade of Infantry of undresses them totally to Forest they esculcan and them in search of gold, including the babies.

The situation comes happening with more frequency for 12 days when a group of the component mentioned one raised towards Sigiriña, a site where Creole they operate the illegal mining in the Caura Stop, forest reserve and area under regime of special administration by its ecological importance.

Ramon Mejías, related that when came from the Playón, the last community of the low Caura, with its family was intercepted by the military. “When we come from return reviewed the boats to us, to they undress them to the children remove, them, to ladies they undress them to the one, they do not respect do what he gives the desire them, they disarm the motors to us in search of gold, but I do not have gold, also undressed to me”.

He explained that this has become a routine. “He always passes the same. We cannot travel clear the gasoline to us because we do not have guides for the fuel, but we obtained how them. I have house in Maripa here, have children who study and treatment to maintain family, but since there is no type of use, the mayoress does not give to use anybody (…) one tries to stay towards that zone doing trips, fishing, and when they leave trips with we do them to the miners”.

He adds that in many occasions that rather money that we secure “clears it and we arrived at the house without how giving to eat the family, and for that reason we are denouncing, because the commander of here - Jose David Young Garci'a says that it is an order of the president (Chávez), but we did not support this”.

Recurrence vejatoria
Another family of the Pemón ethnic group who was not wanted to identify narrated as in the Playón were undressed. “They asked to Us that we took off the clothes I I refused, there was a military woman and I said to him that I had just like she, that reviewed to me until underneath the teats, reviewed baby of a year undressed, it, touched I to it I was annoying. son undressed also it they put, it with the hands in the head they put and it to bid up to jump.

I complained much, I bothered myself and she denied to me. They had the names in the uniforms covered with tirro”.

Histories since these there are many in Maripa, capital of the Sucre municipality, the indignation and the annoyance by the constant military presence are evident in Creole natives and, whom they admit to be in the mines in view of which nobody still has been appearing with the engaged uses for more of a year when the Caura Plan was applied to evacuate the area.

Nevertheless, the military control never has stopped existing. In order to be able to arrive at the mines it is necessary to cross at least 30 hours between navigation and long long walks by the forest. Besides happening through three located control posts of the Army in Jabillal, the Playón and the Turkey hens, this last one in the jump of the same name in the Caura Stop.

Edgar Fuenmayor was one of the evacuated ones and one of which it was stopped after the intense generated manifestations does more of a year that they maintained closed main the 19 several days.

“I was working in the third bridge, I was 5 months, but before I passed a year doing inner door. The work became paralyzed and dismissed 1,500 people, I was one of them, was in Caracas supporting to the Odebrecht company for the obtaining of resources and anything, so I discovered in the mining a form to live without having to rob to anybody, of the best possible way. The government when the evacuation promised many things to us, we are waiting for still them and meanwhile we entered the mines clandestinely to live”.

Annoying town

Although in Maripa, the capital of Sucre usually are no manifestations, the few that take place usually are forceful and a sample of the indignation of the small town.

In 2006 when the mining reconversion and the death of two drowned natives fleeing from military civil servants the inflamed population burned the house of the then mayor Juan Carlos Figarella, now delegated of the Legislative Council of Estado Bolívar (CLEB).

More recently, in 2010 when the Caura Plan was applied, several main the 19 days he was that communicate to Bolivar with closed Amazon and the manifestation was dissolved to end of tear pumps and pellets.

Edgar Fuenmayor warned that as well as the sometimes previous town has gone out, is arranged to leave to prevent more upsettings again and the answers that in that one opportunity offered to them to gain the life with dignity.

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