Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: A sailboat and no wind...

Crystallex filed for arbitration on march 9, 2011. We are in our 4-1/2 month with no tribunal yet constituted.

GRZ had their tribunal constituted within 4 months.

mobil oil - 10 months

holcim - 8 months

cemex- 8 months

We should have one constituted by at least Oct or Nov. 8-9 months at most hopefully.

I'll be happier the 'sooner the better'. Once the tribunal is selected the ball starts rolling.

Then claims, counter-claims, then counter-claims ad infinitum. Vz has become an expert in filing delays. But eventually its over. We will get some indication of our ending by what happens to Grz.

If we get an award of around $1.5b I don't see any company taking over the property with this overhead cost on their backs. It wouldn't be viable. Vz may as well give it back to us.

But either way i'll take the cash.

a tribunal is in sight. can't be avoided.

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