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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: GRZ @ 52 week high - 3.24, trading 3.16 now

Dear auntie

Hope you well. Some very interesting developments in Vz however this time (I hate to say it) seems much different to me. Vz have created the structure now for a JV. 55 % : 45 %, royalty regime now in place. The Chinese would certainly be familiar with doing business with PDVSA so let's see what happens next. Do we continue as an arb play with non-dilutive financing or a bit of both - some cash up front for mining plans/a royalty type structure indemnified by CRRC/CREC? Let Bob do what he does best to see what plays out the next couple of weeks!

All the best.


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