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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: The fat lady has not sung yet

still a fung supporter i see.

personally, i'm curious about posts that suggest heavy bond trading 2 weeks prior to the PP (and none since).. macquarie leading the PP.. fung fung fung fung fung

in the end i'll just be curious to see IF kry's case is even taken thru arbitration should kry file BK. if it's not then i would seriously wonder why bondholders would rather lose everything now than extend payment for 3-5 years for a chance of a much better return.

my answer to that will be: "kry's end was orchestrated to disappear with no legal reprocussions after years of playing the yankee stock market" just like hugo said...

we'll see, but no matter how you cut it, doug B. (GRZ) is having a much better finish for shareholders than fung the financial genius. however fung did do a great job for himself and his bay street buddies...

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