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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Doesn't sound good

JJ, the "my source says", "my source confirms" type of posting has and does cost dearly and has proven in spades here with this play. It's one of the fundamental warnings in investing to beware of this type of thing that keeps one attached to a play, especially high risk like this one. Yes I know we all know the risk but I would hazard a guess(fairly accurate imo) that many would be gone by now if the only sources were Marshall, Fung, and the assessment of political risk in VZ. Throw in the advice of some prominent investment advisors that handle this type of thing and I think that would say it all.

There is a follow the leader syndrome on this and other boards, one can't deny that. If they do thier heads are in the sand accordingly.

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