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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: which side is worse?/$1.50
Mar 25, 2012 06:26PM
Mar 26, 2012 11:05AM
Mar 26, 2012 11:11AM
Mar 26, 2012 11:33AM
Mar 26, 2012 11:41AM
Mar 26, 2012 11:48AM

I don't think any long time shareholder wants .50. What posters are saying is .50 is better than nothing.

ISCID, VZ, the noteholders and even management could care less what we want. Posting we want $1.00, $3.50 or even $10 won't change anything. None of the players care what we want or think.

I'm down on management for the big bonus they are getting because the reason they used was if they didn't get it they would have no incentive to remain with the company to help with arbitration. That makes me sick!

Even though I'm not happy with the deal it is important to remember a couple of things. If the note holders got control we would get ZERO. No .50 or even .05. NOTHING!!!!

This makes RF and management the best option for us even if we don't get a say in what is going to happen.

The second thing is casper is right. It doesn't matter if we bought at $1 or $5. Once this became an arbitration play we have a whole new company. Many of us averaged down but some didn't. I had so many shares bought higher that even by averaging down I have shares with close to a $1.00.

Fifty cents means I lose half of what I invested/gambled but in reality fifty cents means I was able to get half my money back from a bad investment.

My gut tells me we see at least a $1.00 but then again my gut told me Hugo wasn't stupid enough to not want the gold mined so we would get the permit.


Mar 26, 2012 11:52AM
Mar 26, 2012 12:07PM
Mar 26, 2012 12:19PM
Mar 26, 2012 03:51PM
Mar 26, 2012 05:24PM
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