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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: trolls

jimmijazz - like you I am not party to the real numbers. What we have been told is that the 1st DIP ($36m) took 35%, the 2nd ($11.1m) took 19.34% (but that looks very high), the 3rd ($15.4m) took 16.21% and the 4th ($13.2m) took 17.7% - giving 88.254% for $75.5m (=$900+m from the net award and perhaps $0.30+/share residual). The 4th DIP is redacted but someone got a draft unredacted copy and disclosed it on the broadhost.com forum - it could be wrong. However, the Justin Fine deposition said these numbers are wrong and now they talk about a "waterfall provision". I view 88.254% as a worst case, I suspect it is better than that.

Justin knows but his NDA probably prevents him from telling anyone. He might not tell you but you can ask him - work out some kind of code before asking - do a countdown and tell him to cough if his throat hurts....but definitely don't tell us.

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