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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Fung is a Genius

I know where you are coming from. Most of those guys are gone. But unfortunately we would be nowhere without  Tenur's involvement in this lawsuit which is a carpetbagger's pursuit. Yet 12% is a paltry number to be given to us since we shouldered the burden of the infrastructure of KRY from the beginning. This comes to about 38 cent/s for us if we ever see it.

Where gowlings comes in is to hope they can convince the courts to increase this number or we don't sign off.

The fact that GRZ is now in the money (Belanger is expected to make a major announcement next week outlining the deal with Vz) there is hope for us.  Can't be sure but it looks like $40M/month over 2 years and paying dividends to stockholders as the money is received. 

Good luck everyone. Paau are u in now?





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