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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Been gone a long time

Don - words matter. I haven't said we have a choice between which lawyers to be affected by. You have. We have no choice - whichever lawyers the court listens to may affect us. It is only the court that gets that choice and as I said so far Gowling are 0 for 4. That doesn't mean they may not win out in the end.

Yes Don, blind faith. Opt ins have no say in what Gowling do, when they do it or how they do it - they have put their trust (faith) in Gowling blindly. You know this and essentially agree but are reluctant to admit it openly. Don't you think there has been enough misleading over Crystallex, we should know better. You should know better.

Gowling may be the white knight shareholders desperately want or they may simply be another group who wants their pound of flesh at our expense - the latter is what normally happens.

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