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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Latest Ernst & Young - 29th Report of Monitor, Nov. 25, 2018

Don: "You use history to validate your personal opinion as fact."

No I don't. Aren't we supposed to learn from history? I use history to show the harm of allowing false hope to go unquestioned. I think you got the point but feel the need to insult me anyway. I see nothing wrong with hopeful opinions based on logic and evidence. I am hopeful the amended settlement agreement will result in some money for us (I hope it will be 22 cents / share but I know it would be easy to argue we will get nothing).

Every shareholder will likely end up losing money whilst Fung will get very rich. Fung is arguably the person most responsible for destroying shareholder value so I do understand your feeling of injustice and I suspect it is that feeling that prevents you from sticking to logic and evidence. How else to explain your belief that Gowling may still deliver benefit even though you've been told they are gone after losing yet again in court.

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