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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: More come knocking.

Good to see your burning the midnight oil. Glad you set me straight. Why would I ever dought what you post. Haven't seen anywhere where Gowling is gone. Osmo may be right but I will wait for something official from the committee. Funny how you grab onto Gowling being gone to say I told you so as a fact but disagree with Tenor not wanting to sell Citgo so that is speculation.

We all know your agenda and it is marvelous to watch and read how you work. The 60% interest comment is so false you must be smiling while you write it. The judge already commented on it and the only thing keeping it from being relevant as you like to say is Tenor not trying to collect on the award so it doesn't come into play.

Just a reminder that while you are tooting your horn even a broken clock is right twice a day so you have some catching up to do..


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