Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: A question to, if he would mind to answer me, JimmiJazz...

As I do too.

With interest, if paid, the share comes to at least $3.00 a share assuming about 450K shares outstanding.

But, at $2.25 per share paid to us, it leaves little for Tenure. So, I believe that price net ($2.25) for us is unrealistic.

I think it is more like in the $1 or less range (my guess is around 55 cents).

Things are now happening more frequently in the courts now (reply briefs take place today), and all should come to a head soon. Auction date Nov 24th 2023, I believe is in the court's schedule.

There are negotiations going on in the backgound. Its Vz committee spokesperson said they are willing to pay off some of the plaintiffs but not all of them listed will be included. Those not included may be RML. But I notice the price of RML is being sustained, which is good news. The spokesperson also said there will be no auctioning of Citgo.

So, if there is no auctioning of Citgo as of Nov 24th, cash is on its way at the 11th hour and we actually see the light at the end of the tunnel, hopefully. I am wishing for a conclusion this year and the best for all. 


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