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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Court Listener Nov 3rd

There are not many options left. None, actually. All legal venues have been exhausted. The vultures are coming in. (.01 Ha, Ha. FY ) The money will be there. And then here. Too much publicity, IMHO, for any "descision" makers, wherever they may reside, to rape long standing investors of their due rewards, from an honest investment, in an unusual situation, with unusual circumstances.

It is out in the open, international news. I think it would be career "suicide" for any official to deny the

common shareholder a return on his/her investment. To come to a descision, of anything less, would 

be an admission that investing in ANYTHING, is futile and should be avoided. I don't think the "powers that be" want the masses to see that. Bad for business. Just my take. This is not in the shadows. The big boys have to look good for the cameras.

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