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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Amount of Judgement with interest

The decision will be made in Judge Silversteins court after the award is collected. She has already stated that until Kry has the money it is too early to decide anything about dispersments. She bhas also said once the money is collected there is no reason to have redacted documents.

I believe Tenor and Fung will settle with shareholders before anything is disclosed. The last thing they want is more lawsuits over their fiduciary duties and they deals they made. Figures are all over the place but people much smarter than me have pegged to amout between $2-$3 a share. I said it before that the final figure owed Kry will be around $2B less what they have been paid.

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