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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: where did first 400 million dollar payment go

A plan of arrangement will be given to Silverstein I believe so Renor will need to take into account shareholders. Tenor will try and settle with us to sign off on any deal. We have leverage with the tax losses that belong to us. For tenor to be able to use them they need to settle with us.

Silverstein has already commented on how much tenor will receive for their investment loans. She seemed less than impressed. From memory I think the amount was around $76 million and getting back a billion.

Everyone needs to not panick is we get a low ball offer from tenor. While everyone is free to settle for whatever they want, I highly doubt the will make the inital offer their best.

I have faith in Adelso and the committee to fight for every penny we can get. June 11th is only 3 weeks away so relax and enjoy the fact we are close to the end.


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