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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Who is actually representing the KRY shareholders


All the information you are referreing to is on the CCAA Court, the Chapter 15 Court and the District Court records. For an easy read to get this data I suggest you look at the D.I. # 372 on the Chapter 15 docket (Case 11-14074-LSS    Doc 372    Filed 11/28/22).

Plenty of letters and motions have been written to and filed at these courts to make them aware of the facts and the law involved. The Chapter 15 Court is fully aware of the situation and decided it is appropriate to look into some of the issues, but cannot do so until it has jurisdiction over the legal dispute. The Court has already determined that this will happen when the award collection in the U.S. is completed and ordered that the amount invoved be deposited with the Chapter 15 Court for the court to have jurisdiction over the property, and decides how it needs to be distributed based on its factual findings, the U.S. law and the equities.

Third-party expert opinions are nice-to-have data but are not binding on the court because they are not issued by an independent expert with no vested interest in the outcome of the case. This is why the shareholders have asked the Chapter 15 Court to approve a court-appointed examiner (an officer of the court). Since the court concluded that it did not have jurisdiction over the case at the time, i denied it without prejudice (without barring a later request for approval), which the shareholders will do as soon as the court has jurisdiction over the case, i.e., when the award is collected.

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