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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

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This is very serious stuff and is like going to the hughest court in the land for appeal. Most members are 3rd world countries and would relate to Vz issue and if a resolution of the matter is presented to the floor it brings the matter to world attention.  This is not going to go away. We'll see in today's market how investors in RML and GRZ react to that.

Like Maduro said, they would use every trick in the book, including political. They already went to our presiden directly in appealing the court's decision to auction.  

Maybe a cash settlement is on the horizon. Certainly hope so. Right now. What a waste of time and cash for all the bidders.

Their claim at the UN:

1. Loss of Citgo would devastate the lives of a struggling country, the Venezuelan people.

2. Maduro will not lose the election.

When do they release the results of the current  bids? Last time we found out within days.


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