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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Gold at 10,500 means people finally get peak oil and are freaking out!CJR

Gold at 10,500 means people finally get peak oil and are freaking out!CJR

posted on Jul 23, 2008 04:51AM


It's very very real and the sooner people realize it the better. We use 1 trillion barrels in 100 years! We have 1 trillion left roughly. We use 85 million barrels per day now and the number hasn't changed significantly in 3 years. That is why crude has gone from 12 dollars to 145+ in 6 yrs. We have to destroy the demand side so that we don't have shortages.

My favorite site to visit is www.lifeaftertheoilcrisis.net where all you need to do to learn about this is read the front page. It has loads of info and all is linked up to the sources to back it up. I read the archive section daily. At first it was obscure articles 2 or 3 years ago but now, most articles are coming from the big newspapers or magazines. That tells me people are believing more and more each day. It took 100 years to deplete a resource that took 100 million years to create and will finish off the other half within the next 30- 50 years. There will still be some oil but it won't be positive net return on investment in energy terms to obtain it. Like the oil shales in canada.

We need an apollo-like mission to wean ourselves off of oil. The other option is to doom ourselves to a left of debt-serfdom, paying an ever increasing amount of money to people who hate us and borrow more from people who will eventually want it back. This exact issue is what led me hear to gold and thus crystallex in the first place. We are going to blow up the currency to finance our addiction. I don't care what the hell Paulson and Bernacke say, it's all garbage.

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