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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Bill Cara (7\23\08). Let's re-visit these words in a month or two...

Bill Cara (7\23\08). Let's re-visit these words in a month or two...

posted on Jul 23, 2008 06:05AM

Comments & Outlook

The public has been getting an earful from the gold bug and silver crazy crowd in the past month and I’m getting sick of it. Look at the 1-month charts for gold and silver and you will clearly see the trend.

The rally in equities is based squarely on falling commodity prices, particularly oil. That is firming the $USD and putting downward pressure on precious metals. This scenario was painted in advance by me, and I alerted broad market short-sellers two weeks ago that they ought to consider taking profits ahead of the summer rally that I figured would be commodity-price based. I warned that the changes to commodity exchange margin requirements would have an impact. I also warned that with the HB&B earnings reports there would be a lot of smoke being blown by desperate executives, which has been the case.

I think you get the picture.

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