Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Banned Hub Leader, Re: Further discussion....

Many have asked in PM what happened, or accused me of a conspiracy.
My post here, as a Hub Leader, is merely my personal observations.

So, No... Losing a Hub Leader does not make me feel good at all.
Unfortunately, NB's autocratic behavior reflected very poorly upon all Hub Leaders.
My passively enduring NB's personal attacks proves my respect of free opinion.
But, it was a disservice to everyone, notably NB who escalated more.
There is a reason Admin rules forbid personal attack. It breeds disrespect.
All members, here, passive or not, have some responsibility for hub issues.
Passive Hub Leaders should assume considerably more responsibility.
Realistically & Ultimately, NB is fully responsible for all recent hub issues.

Also, I cannot speak for all Hub Leaders, but only myself, about your assertion, "... a good portion of this has gone on in PM." I know I have neither sent, nor received, PM's to/from NB for at least six months, going back to May 2013, when the SEC revoked CRYFQ. Any recent escalation in, "a good portion," of PM's certainly had nothing to do with PM's purportedly associated with me, because those PM's do not exist.

The Wolf has been forgotten in all of this. Why has The Wolf not been reinstated?

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