Welcome To The Dakshidin Corp. HUB On AGORACOM

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Message: GET THEM SHARES NOW! ( This is a Bullish call! )

In a short few months, this company has established representation in the USA,CANADA,CHINA,INDIA,AFRICA and the Carribeans!

Dakshidin is now well on its way to establish a factory in China and is hammering out a deal to build a plant in India...two small continents....only a couple billion people...

They are sure to follow with a factory in Africa.


Now what is left?

We still need to hammer out a deal in Central and South America as well as Australia . The Middle East could also bring a lot of sales and don't misjudge Europe because there is money AND a certain level of awareness that the world needs GREEN products.

Some areas of Europe are suffering from a lasting drought ( most parts of France for instance ) and could be a nice market also.

DAKSHIDIN would also be well advised ( IF not already done so)to lobby the large organisations ( WORLD BANK,UNITED NATIONS,RED CROSS,GATES FOUNDATION to name but a few ). This means that they need to hire more capable staff to man those positions.

We have ( I mean Management ) a lot of chicken to hatch.

2008 will be a GREAT year!

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