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Message: WOW Nick just called

WOW Nick just called

posted on Feb 28, 2008 07:21AM
Nick Laroche CEO of DKSC just called and talked for 40 minutes. He said that they plan on being a full reporting company within a year. They have a small staff and it is very hard for them to answer all the inquiries. He said they get thousands or calls and emails every week. He does not want to spend stock holders money on more staff to answer all these at this time. Their main concern is going forward with plans to get more windmills manufactured. I told him about this discussion forum. Maybe he will post a message. He was a very nice guy. He chatted on for over 40 minutes about all sorts of stuff. They are a very real company with what he believes is a bright future. He said buy on the dips and sell on the peaks. Just like Bruce. Well I feel better and I will disagree with whoever said that DKSC does not care about it's small inverstors. He liked what http://allpennystocks.com/ had to say about Dakshidin. Good luck everyone

Feb 28, 2008 03:54PM
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