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Message: How do you.....

The level of intellect is really below grass- roots with some individuals here.

I will say again,to those who have not read my previous posts on this issue that I will not make a statement representing Dakshidin.

It is not my job to speak in their name to sway public opinion one way or the other. Even if I where in the knowing of some particular projects, events or individuals within this company,I would never speak in their names.

Public releases are solely the responsibility of Dakshidin's management so there you are!

I have a vested interest in this company like any investor that owns stock and I firmly believe that Dakshidin is on track to execute its business plan in the best interest of its shareholders.

Whether this translates into profit or not is not within my reach of comprehension at this time. there is a risk in investing and I assume it fully ; I am here for the long term and believe in this technology, its potential applications and potential market.

I am here to stay through the good and bad news.

There you are.

It is a free world so if you are not retarded and have not been lobotomised, I am sure that you can understand me up to this point. This board has given me the privilege to REMOVE any member that is deemed to lower an accepted standard of civility and many here ( they know who they are ) have long crossed that threshold - but to be fair to the full thruth- I have not excercised my axing privilege and it is quite ironic to see the same low lifes -and I control my words here- try to call for my demise!

Keep up with the good work fellas,you are only digging your own graves and we are watching you!

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