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Engineered a Faster and More Efficient Way to Absorb Nutrients, Medications, etc.

Message: Kicked Upside the Head

Closed Friday up 73%. OBV continued its uptrend despite sp charting a wide range.

Appeared to be manipulation of sp by some trying to get in on the cheap. Looks to be continuing, with an after hours trade for 500 shares of 0.063. Trying to show sp faultering.

If you were in early enough to have sub-penny shares, it might be considered wise to take some profit off of the table. However, this does not appear to be a Pump & Dump play in any way, shape, or form. The Company is moving slowly and diligently and have added persons with real-world experience. When - and it is "when", not "if" - the PR announcing sponsoring athletes comes out, this could prove to have decent upside potential.

Rough Market and OTC/Pinks have a lot of posers. This play does not look like a poser.

Be cautious, perform DD, and Always Use Limit Orders.

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