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Message: And, also the recent buyers that got caught - will sell.

LifeGoesOn,it was stated all along that they only hit the edge.No way ANYONE ever gets the highest grades on the edge.CXO hit absoluetly nothing when they went for the edge.

These results are a lot better than you think.Yes,the price is taking a beating.But,that's from short term traders who were hoping for a huge hit over a month ago and were playing on the CXO run.

The first step has been a confirmation that we have a probable deposit on our property.Now they have to get more drilling done and prove it up.

Kenmoor has only provided us with the information from his conversations with the CEO.He was doing us a favour.He doesn't control the buying and selling of the stock.A selloff was waiting to happen no matter what the news,unless it was spectacular.

In the back of my mind,I knew the stock would sell off.I should have sold at .135,then I could have bought back in at .07 probably and gained almost double my shares.

The poor trading was done by those of us holding when the price was stuck in neutral.

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