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Message: Comparing 3D and drilling between CXO and DBV

Kwikwi,where did they get the rest of the maps then.There are 6 maps on their site,that all popped up suddenly.On only two of those maps could he use that explanation.On #3-5.If he had the rest,why didn't he drill on the West anomoly,or Target C,instead of drilling 5 holes on the geochemical anomolies instead of the chargeabilities,which were plain to see?

It's all done now,but extremely strange to me.They could've hit,and big right away.Instead they frittered away all that money for a side hit,and almost missed that.

I thought the only possible explanation was that they didn't have those maps at the time of drilling,but it clearly states in the News Releases that they did.And now he confirmed it to you,that they did have at least one map,which would have showed the West anomoly or Target C on the map,yet where there was no chargeability until the 6th hole.

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