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Message: Patience.

Patience seems to be the new reality. Everyone has an opinion as to the current situation, some say they drilled in the wrong spot (incompetence), some point out they can't seem to finance this company in Vancouver (no connections), some say they are on the edge of a significant find (hole #6), some say they are trying to raise money in Toronto and Montreal (by the way, brokers from Toronto and Montreal are not big supporters of player in Vancouver - therefore, tough raise), and others say why didn't the CEO sell some of his stock when the stock traded 29 Million shares to raise capital to put back in the company (like everyone else does), thus we would have the money and be able to drill. The reality is, this is a penny stock and everyone is hoping the company can financing, get approvals, drill, and hit a significant intercept to move the stock price higher. PATIENCE. Let's just hope that management can figure out how to raise money, otherwise, the price is heading lower with little chance of exit for anyone with a huge position. Right now, no one can sell and make any money.

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