Precious Metal Exploration

Focused on exploration and advancement of mineral projects in Peru

Message: Putting things back the way they were !

Putting things back the way they were !

posted on Feb 17, 2009 05:34AM

Is it too late to stop the MMG spinoff? Seems to me that all the touted benefits of this plan have disappeared. DRV SP is plummeting and no sign or ANY information of when the MMG shares will trade ! Seems to me a big dark secret without any indication of when and IF this will happen. Tomorrow, next month or maybe never? Did we all just flush our money down another big black hole? I have read there is no OBLIGATION for managment to release ANY information other than the regular and accepted business reporting periods. However, investors are few and far between and if you have them, you better make sure you are doing EVERYTHING in your power to KEEP them. This economic climate demands transparancy and we want (no we demand) that we be kept informed.


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