Precious Metal Exploration

Focused on exploration and advancement of mineral projects in Peru

Message: Most Drv Long's are hanging around!

Most of us are still hanging around, getting ready for what I hope will be a good new year. Things are very quiet on all boards and no NR. When there are no news releases from the company for over a month, copper is at a all time high and there are no drills turning, something is up! There are rumours that 5 companies were/are on the ground at Aquila and strong interest with other companies surrounding our other properties, some announcement must be coming. Surely one of these companies is a strong potential!

Good volume could be stock loss selling, but I am betting it is something else happening. Things are just too quiet!! Maybe a JV? Maybe with Pennoles or maybe a private placement. I am sure there is no shortage of potential investment dollars as long as the DRV team gets to call the shots!! Jeff and his geo.'s know where the goods are and will not waste time looking around the country side!!

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