Welcome To The Enzyme Environmental Solutions Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

EESO produces a unique multi-enzyme solution used in a wide variety of special purpose

Message: GM ScorpionKing

GM ScorpionKing

posted on Jul 18, 2008 07:01AM

All is well. We are going to be picking up shares (ALOT) getting ready for 3rd and 4th quarter reports...

2nd quarter will be in the red (Profit @ Loss) statement. But I am much more interest in the Balance Sheet for our growth. I prefer steady climbs (Stable) vs. fast climbs in the stock, (Unstable)

Just going to Swing and Pattern trade using the Fib Triangles...It really has been working great for this stock

As the stock currently at 7 is being pushed into the corner of a Laterial Triangle, it should tick up back to the 7 - 12 ranges. But there is WAY to much blashing going on...Won't matter to me, I'll pick up profits at any range... 4 to 7 is alot easier...LOL


Jul 18, 2008 07:36AM
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