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Message: Exide Technologies

Led by commercial systems IHS expects 700 megawatts of PV systems with energy storage will be installed in N.A. by 2018, compared to 30 MW in 2014. The projections made by various groups has Li-ion battery storage constituting the vast majority of the renewables storage market. Although I do not know how large the market for this type of storage was in 2003 I would think that with what is happening now, Exide along with the other lead acid battery manufactures will have to expand their product offering, Li-ion, Flow or ? The non-NMP process is the EFL trump card for getting any licensing agreements. If the inclusion of Exide in the most recent presentation is based on the 2003 MoU, well then I can only conclude that EFL is desperate, but I do not. As with most things time will tell.

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