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Message: Re: Update the company website

Jun 16, 2015 10:19AM

Jun 16, 2015 10:29AM

Electrovaya has more or less been making NMP free electrodes since day one. Litarion, when converted to the NMP free process will have the volume capacity of electrodes that Electrovaya has never had in Canada. The Mercedes storage units will be on the market before all the lines at Litarion have been converted. Given the sales that Andy and Sankar were talking about for Electrovaya along with near term continuing supply to Mercedes for the Smart Car I highly doubt Electrovaya is the suppler for the Mercedes storage units. Electrovaya mades such a monumental move that it catches world attention so that you go to their website, financial statement and MD&A only to come away confused. So you are probably correct in that they are waiting for the pr, why sieze the opportunity and be professional when you can stay the course of the amateur hour.

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