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Message: Time line

Good to see that they are aiming for broader collaboration. In terms of EFL though, this appears to be just another Litarion deal and has little to do with Electrovaya's own battery chemistry or cell format. EFL (through Litarion) provides the electrodes, Leclanche builds the cells.

I think that is the way it will be for at least 18 months. Sanker said it is profitable and he needs income to epand. The end of 2016 is not only when the German production lines will be fully converted, but is also when the LG contract for cells expires. This tells me that Electrovaya will have cell production capabilities by then. 2017 may see cells being sold to automitive customer.

If you have paid attention to the job postings, you will have noticed they are still hiring engineers to finish the design of the power box. What I mean is instead of tieing other manufacturers module together with software that has to be loaded, tuned, ect. They have a box you mount, wire input & output and turn it on. It then auto boots and runs. That is still in the works.

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