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Message: nickto - Stop bitching. if you are not happy SELL, I want just POSITIVE thoughts

EFL ............ Investment Strategy ? Are you serious? This is nothing more than a roulette wheel at the moment. Until they solidify this acquisition and prove its viability we're ALL just hoping and throwing darts.

I don't have a problem with analysis. It's the whining and nervous nelly posting we can do without. We've all seen the financials. Don't need repetitive copy and paste jobs. We can and have read them. Most here already know the situation. The good and the bad.

As far as the newbies. If they don't get off their butt, read the financials or listen the the CC's, or have any experience with penny stocks, they don't deserve to be protected. This is definitely not an "investment" [sic] for beginners and they should put their money elsewhere. And if they don't do any DD, well, ... I guess they get what they get.

I'm just amazed at folks that buy a stock, and then bash the heck out of it. BTW: That also is not "an Investment Strategy". You should be positive, or at least have more good reasons than bad to hang around. If you're not, perhaps it's time to dump it and find one you feel has more things in line with your expectations. Plus, being negative on a MB with other shareholders does absolutely nothing. It is more an act of venting frustration than helpful analysis. We all know the numbers and the current and past history. If they pull this off, none of them will mean anything. Almost overnight, EFL's past history, will be just that.

Unfortunately, in this case, there is absolutely nothing we can do except, cross our fingers, and cheer them on. You're either in, or you're out. Sorry, not many choices or strategies.

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