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Message: Conference call

Yes, only 1 analyst. Amazing!

Couple more points ........

When I dialed in, I got the operator. He asked who I was. Instead of telling him I was a private investor, I should have said I was Joe Rippin from Precision Capital. I might have been able to get into the queue and ask more questions. Big mistake on my part.

I was not happy with the revenues. I thought $6-8mil should have been doable. After the last 6 months, we do not need amature trips and falls of sloppy nature harming the momentum that's been built up the last while.

But, ... there was a reasonable explanation for the delay as mentioned by Hogey. Upgrading to the newer products. Thus the delay. Frustrating and questionable, but makes sense.

Halka also said they could start providing guidance in Q1 2017 (Oct-Dec). This is huge towards bringing more institutions on board. The past 6 months have been a whirlwind, (understandable) and they are just now starting to get a handle on everything. To be able to give guidance will be great.

Halka also spent time discussing the bank LOC. He went into depth about how the banks would never have agreed to this with the "OLD" Eectrovaya. I appreciated his comment. He gets it. He went on to say they did their DD, a lot of DD, on the deals and EFL and a Big 3 bank (TD, RBC, Scotia) to agree to this, was amazing. He went on to also discuss how things got even better AFTER they agreed to the LOC and even more positive things continued to happen. They are off to a great relationship with their Banker.

To hear Sankar talk about the OEM testing of their product and how, in some cases, NO ONE EXCEPT EFL could pass the safety tests. If true, this is again, amazing.

Jerome Haas was on BNN today at 1PM. Didn't get to see him. Wonder if he had anything interesting (or destructive) to say today?

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