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Message: ELVA more accolades...

a small flow of news so far this week. Hopefully they can maintain it. If we're really on track, maybe the Gabelli conference et al was a kickoff of sorts to start the push to next level. A buyer, partner, investor in this story must be very close IMO. How can there not be? I've seen many smaller success stories like this in the past eventually get someone willing to take a chance and a substantial  position. Whether a PIPE deal, as you suggest, or whatever, now appears to be the time.

I sense CIBC is slowing unloading shares over last couple months and that could be holding us back. Possible buyers are aware of this and being patient IMO.

Also, if this recent repeat customer is an earlier older customer, this may bode well for the seasonality issue. The last 2 fortune 100 Companies were said to help dilute seasonality because they weren't affected by the holiday run. If this is an older customer (thus the repeat order) that was part of the seasonality, this would make 3 companies ordering into Q4 to alleviate order slowdown if my analysis is correct. Maybe they have so much confidence in the product now, they no longer see it as a  disruptive event to bring them in Q4.

You able to take a stab at my previous question regarding warrants? 

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