Welcome to the Evolving Gold Free HUB On AGORACOM

Evolving Gold is focused on exploring its significant discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming, an alkalic gold system, similar to the Cripple Creek gold district in Colorado, and on gold properties adjacent to the Carlin district of Nevada.

Message: Day Trader!

Look guys/gals, I'm a day trader so what I have to say may not sit well with everyone, but I'm so excited about a gold find, I thought maybe some of you would like to compare it with EVG. So, go to the Northern Tiger Resources Agoracom board and check out the NR release, then compare it with EVG's NR. I've already traded it several times ( since the PDAC in the spring) and made good money.

Someone suggested I should look at EVG and I think it is a good buy too. One should never have all their eggs in one basket.


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