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The Company is focused on the discovery and development of large polymetallic porphyry copper deposits in North America - an area that host numerous world class polymetallic porphyry copper deposits.

Message: BXX "lift" from CUU impact (?)

...good points, Hayz and ryoung...

I'm like Elmer...I've been too busy to do any real work on BXX, but I figured that for less than $10K, you can pick-up 100,000 shares.

I have to figure that once the CUU buy-out (I hope!) hits the newspapers, there will be increased attention paid to the 2 men who made it happen, one of them being Elmer Stewart (...with the other person being Ernesto).

That being the case, some people will probably look at other projects being lead by Elmer and perhaps plough some money into BXX (i.e. "the golden touch"...err..."copper touch" in this case).

What the hell...if BXX gets a 5-cent lift, it'll be like a "free" $5K bonus...Santa will be good to everyone in about 4 month's time.

As Abullion alluded-to, the one thing I do hope for is for Elmer to divert more attention to BXX once the CUU properties (B.C. portion) have been disposed-of.

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