Poised To Become 1 Of The Fastest Growing Companies In America

Exousia Has Just Begun Shipping Power Shield(TM) to China United Engineering Corporation

Message: Seems Like

Exou has just raised 3 million in what I am assuming is a private placement. (I am sure we will see the details on that in the next few weeks, especially as it relates to dilution).

"This capital raised will enable us to ramp up our production and expand our facilities to meet the increase in demand. We plan to fully increase production capacity to its potential $4-6 million per month in our China coatings facility, $1 million per month in our U.S. coatings facility, and about $2-3 million per month in our RPA facilities."

So in essence, we are "borrowing" 3 mill to ensure that we reach our potential 7 to 10 mill per month cash flow.

It might be a good idea to wait to see what the actual cash flow ends up being, of course at that time the SP will most likely have caught up to the potential this company has. I'll be selling around that time beerbelly if you want a few of my shares..... :)

Other then that everything is great.

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