Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: ExxonMobil Corporation Earnings Conference Call (Q4 2008)

>Did any of you guys spot any other mention ?

I just finished listening to it...there were 2 questions. The first one, the guy asked about Brazil and Hungary, Exxon guy talked about Brazil, then went on about Hungary. "We continue to work on that prospect"...and then said something like "2 wells have been spud, the last one in December".

I guess he didn't read either of Falcons news releases :)

The next question the guy asked how Germany and Hungary compare to other plays...answer was that it's too early, "but I can say that Germany is a world class asset", or something along that line. (The Saxony Basin play is much further along than the Mako Trough)

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