Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: Re: Small investors also investing in the gas exploration/Lux.

You are very welcome Azz. I think it was time for the Hungarian public to learn that, if it were not for investors in the west, this play would not have got off the ground in the first place. Many people over there tend to think that the gas is being stolen from them, but by putting the spotlight on the role of the small investors in this kind of risky exploration, hopefully, we may have changed their perception.

As for Lanman, show me someone who hasn't heard of him :)

>At this rate, we are not far away from being officially sponsored by the company.......

How about having them send us an update every Monday before 9:00 AM :)

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