Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: Re: MOL to build July tax increases into fuel prices

>Research suggests that the Mako (S Hungary) gas field, developed with Exxon as the main contractor, could contain 340 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Development of this field is likely to begin in two or three years. (MTI-Econews)

John, I like the Hungarian version of the story even better:

"Az ígéretesnek tűnő makói gázmezőről elmondta, a munkálatok továbbra is az amerikai Exxon fővállalkozói irányítás&a... folynak."

"Mako said gázmezőről which appear promising, the work is still ongoing management of the U.S. Exxon contractor."

Saying that the Mako Trough 'appears promising' is a very good sign, considering it's coming from the same guy who just over 2 years ago said that there was no way the gas in the Mako could be extracted economically. (I'm assuming that Google correctly translated what was actually said)

March 2007:

Question: What is your opinion on Falcon's operation at the Mako Trough? Do you think it is possible that we could export gas within a few years?

Answer: I don't think this will happen in the near future. We know the Mako Trough for 30 years, 50% of its area belongs to MOL, so we hope FO will succeed, however, as we know, there is no way to exploit the gas in an industrial amount from that deep economically. I have to tell you there is no precedent for this kind of exploitation.

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