Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

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Message: think about

Knight, you are a classic fool and there is NO ONE here who gives one shi* what you think or say...you lost any credibility you think you had a LONG time ago...if Exxon in its infinite genius decides to walk away from possibly the biggest gas play in Europe's history, (all infrastructure in place, stable political climate, ready and willing market at the doorstep etc etc etc...oh yeah and 50 TCF) over ONE well, i'll publically apologize and give you your due...if in fact they elect to proceed to phase II - even if the SP does not react - you will admit you have been playing this from the get-go, and disappear. You are a real piece of work and i can't BELIEVE you still have the nuts to write your words in here. Do yourself a favour and disappear for GOOD. NO ONE cares what you think or places ANY creedence on your scribblings.

Sound good, even for a ridiculously misplaced ego like yours?

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