Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: info


posted on Nov 17, 2009 08:45PM

On November, 17th 2009 23:22
About that Europe waits the next gas crisis, the ex-prime minister of Czechia has declared at IV power forum in Budapest Mirek Topolanek. "We have received the prevention from experts of the USA that crisis will repeat: Russia can leave pipelines empty, – he has declared. – and we should not blame for it Russia, and as the American experts correctly advise, EU simply should make a choice between the OPEC and Russia".Примечательно that this very day in Budapest on interrogation in Office of Public Prosecutor have caused the councillor of directors of Swiss trader Rosgas and the ex-lawyer of Hungarian gas company Emfesz Tamasha Gazdu. From a tribune of a forum anybody directly did not accuse "Gazprom" of illegal acquisition of company Emfesz, till spring of this year belonging to the Ukrainian businessman Dmitry Firtashu. However in a forum lobby guessed, under which scheme "Gazprom" tries to come on home market of gas of Hungary.
Hungary which on 80 % depends on the Russian gas, develops power strategy which provides creation the next 20 years of system of transportation of the power resources guaranteeing independence of the country. As have explained in board of Hungarian oil and gas state company MOL, this year building интерконнектора (a gas pipeline connecting gas-transport systems of the different countries) to Romania, next year – to Croatia comes to the end. Similar projects are now discussed with Slovakia and Slovenia. Besides, after input of the next storehouse of gas by capacity 2 млрд cubic m total capacity of underground storehouses of gas MOL will reach 20 млрд cubic m and will allow Hungary to receive on a case of unforeseen circumstances gas from the closed system.

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