Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: Re: In Hungary, we continue to evaluate our tight gas acreage. - Visioneer

Thanks for pulling up Exxon's comments on Europe as the quote on "continuing to evaluate our tight gas acreage in Hungary" is certainly encouraging. We don't know if this is in reference to both sides of the Mako or just MOL's side, but I would bet (already have I guess) that they are not interested in just one side of the Mako. If Exxon is going to move forward in the Mako Trough, they won't be spending multi-millions to prove one side only to see a Statoil or Shell step into the other side after all the tricks have been learned. It would be nice to know who is in charge, from Falcon's side, of the on-going discussions with Exxon at this stage. The later spring completion of the XTO acquisition would seem to hint at the possibility of Falcon offering Exxon a bit more time to make their phase 2 decision??

Regards Paul

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