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Message: To Soly and the pipedreimer

To Soly and the pipedreimer

posted on Feb 19, 2010 06:01PM

Boys: Keep dreaming. Soly. I'll let you dissect this hole stinkin mess. The ONLY positive Falcon did for itself and the poor shareholder was to have the decency to make the NR at 11:30 and that way it gave us poor shareholders an oportunity to jump ship rather than go down to a further level (I did not jump ship as I was at work and had no time to react). What an amazing kick in the teeth. Not only does Exxon walk, Mol goes as well. Love to see that next positive post from you both. Talk about being in dmage control. They couldn't even wait till the 2nd of March to make this mamouth announcement. A word to the wise. Strategic alternatives( one word removed from bankruptcy protection in my eyes. I guess you can tell by my tone that I'm still holding numerous fruitless shares. I really hoped you would have proved me wrong Soly, however my violin just got that much bigger. Signed Frustrated Eddie

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