Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

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Message: To Soly and the pipedreimer

Sorry to here Soly. Guess the truth hurts doesn't it. Would hurt alot less if I had sold what shares I has prior to today. One FINAL question for you, if you care to answer? After landing the biggest fish possible (Exxon Mobil) and having them get up and literally leave, what possible hope, and I use that word hope, has this poor excuse for an exploration company have. The biggest one of them all had a look see and they went bye bye. Who can possibly be available to bail these guys out? Should of known it all along back in 2008 of April when they cam eon board and the share price barely flinched for a day or so. Eddie, gone the way of the Knight and many others who bailed on Nov. 2/09

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