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Message: Re: All trades/gonoles

Feb 22, 2010 09:20PM
Feb 23, 2010 12:30AM

Feb 23, 2010 07:29PM
Feb 23, 2010 08:08PM
Feb 23, 2010 08:20PM

Well Eddie,

When you remember on the 19th you stated



posted on Feb 20, 10 11:19AM

Now there's someone who is thinking with his head not his heart. Good luck to you Paul. Wish the rest of us suckers who will be toiling with our shares at .10-.11 cents and then post days later that, "wow, stock was up .015 today to close at .125 cents". Eddie


I like the fact that it is now toiling at .155 or 16 now -- versus at .10-.11. So yes I will say "WOW" especially since it didn't drop to sub .10 like so many were predicting. This shows me most people had already factored in Exxon pullling out when it dropped into .20 range.

ONE BIT of GOOD news and you will say WOW! or for our friends who sold @#*&%$#.

Feb 24, 2010 07:30AM
Feb 24, 2010 08:11AM
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