Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: Risk Vs. Reward

Excellent post visioneer. In any investment you analyze the present facts and make a risk analysis concerning possible ROI. If things progress, an unbelievable investment. If not ,perhaps we all did have head trauma. The fact is NO ONE knows future outcomes, regardless of how aggressively they defend their analysis. As we speak, VP Biden feels the stimulus has the economy about to turn. Others see a double dip and prolonged unemployment. And a segment predicts currency collapse and hyperinflation.[please no political discussion] The point is that intelligent individuals can analyze the same facts---and see a much different outcome. Thats why a market of buyers and selers exists. Those pessimistic believe that their analysis is correct. Only the future will provide an answer.

Keep in mind a few facts

1.MAB has been successful in attracting big oil in past ventures

2. 90 percent of the worlds resources are not available to big oil[either political, environmental,sovereign issues]

3.China and India spending billions acquiring oil assets inculuding some undeveloped

4.If shenadoah well flows well are good 2010 risk greatly reduced

5. We only need one partner to like us-- much like pro athletes---you can argue forever how a certain player did not deserve the big contract---all it takes is one GM to disagree

6. 15 majors evaluating the resource--if we are one for fifteen----we get a great ROI and someone else willbe wondering if he had head trauma when he sold instead of buying at 0.14

Only the future knows the answer--and none of us are idiots for our analysis

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