Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: I'm Back

Hey folks -- sorry I haven't posted in a while but I got tired of all the barbs on my supposedly Polyanna view of Falcon. It wasn't so much Polyanna, so much as it was the realization up front that this is a speculative long term play. However, I was also down in FL this past week and if you think Falcon was a bad investment, you should see what happened to the land and condo market down in FL. Now I'm not buying any more Falcon -- as like most of you I'm waiting to hear something. But I've already bought enough shares to make me rich if we actually do start moving forward, or broke if we don't. If you go back through all of my posts I have always said I would hold until 2012 and then at that time make a decision on whether to cut and run or hold. Hope life treats everyone well and we hear something in a short while.

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